Rick’s Pick of The Week

Welcome to Rick’s Picks, a weekly series brought to you by The Sporting Shoppe, presenting Rick’s thoughtful and comprehensive reviews of an extensive variety of firearms, ammo, and accessories, with in-depth analysis of key features and functionality. In addition, Rick provides helpful tips and key details based on user experience and years of firearms handling and shooting sports engagement, so you may have all the information you need to make your next, best firearm purchase.
Rick Walsh is a retired 39 year Critical Care Nurse, and a longtime Rhode Island Resident. Rick is also a National Rifle Association Instructor with disciplines including Certified Rifle, Certified Pistol, Certified Shotgun, Certified Home Firearms Safety, Certified Personal Protection in the Home, and Certified Range Safety Officer.
Rick currently is employed at The Sporting Shoppe and The Range at The Preserve, in Richmond, Rhode Island, and is an NRA certified Range Safety Officer.
Check back each week for new reviews. All firearms, ammo, and accessories, are available in store at The Sporting Shoppe at The Preserve in Richmond, Rhode Island, or at TheSportingShoppe.com.